International Journal of Oral Implantology

Editor-in-Chief: Marco Esposito Official journal of the British Society of Oral Implantology, Danish Society for Oral Implantology, Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology, German Association of Oral Implantology, Spanish Society of Implantology, and British Academy of Implant Dentistry Volume 6, 2013 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access to all back issues)

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EJOI prides itself on presenting evidence- based practical insights in oral implantology to specialists and general practitioners alike. Under the guidance of Dr Marco Esposito and his highly regarded editorial board, this journal encompasses systematic reviews, clinical trials and articles, and case series, with a focus on article quality and substance. Full descriptions and relevant illustrations are included so clinicians can fully understand all procedures presented. The aim of this journal is to provide reliable clinical guidance to practitioners to help them make the best decisions possible for their patients.

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